Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is a bite sized version of Naughty Dog’s prolific, globe trotting adventure series. Much of the game’s elements are par for the course; everything from the 3rd person shooting to the action sequences are pulled right from Uncharted 4. But that doesn’t mean The Lost Legacy is any less fun because the smaller scale makes the pace a lot smoother. My favourite part is the middle chapter where you’re thrown into a moderately sized area and are allowed to explore it freely, sort of like a small scale open world. This tight section gives a small insight to what a real open world Uncharted game could bring to the table. The rest of the game has you climbing lots of cliffs and shooting a ton of bad guys, but because the game doesn’t overstay its welcome I actually enjoyed most of these sections and I wasn’t burnt out by the end. The combat still isn’t the game’s strongest element, but the variety of environments lets you tackle each encounter different. Even Nadine, your partner, can help take out enemies from time to time. Chloe and Nadine’s banter throughout the game is pretty great and their journey together is quite fascinating all the way to the end.

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